Fantastic Night!
Japanの1発目!Fantastic Lounge 我らがハロムナのリタが経営するラウンジにて。
やっぱりライブは最高やね! 見に来てくださったお客様、スタッフの皆様本当に有難う御座います
リタ、本当にありがとう また、近いうちに戻ります
photo by fantastic lounge
Fantastic Night! Japan's first performance ! At Fantastic Lounge At the lounge run by Rita from our Halomna
After all, live performances are the best! Thank you very much to all, lovely staff and the great customers who came to see us
And thank you to all the beautiful performers who colored the night of Christmas Eve for a wonderful night♪
Thank you so much Rita I will be back again soon
photo by fantastic lounge