新春!年明け第二弾は、 京都はエンパイアビルにある BLOOKLYN NIGHT BAZAAR にて! 3年前に一度こちらの舞台に立たせて頂いたことがあるので、満を持しての凱旋公演! 懐かしい顔から初めましてのお客さままで、みんな揃って開運ナイト! なんと、17年振りの再会を果たすなど、新年早々ミラクルが! さすがめかぶとエリアナの開運バーレスク! 今回の帰国で、ほぼ全公演に足を運んでくださった方もいて、本当に嬉しかったです。 バタバタの最中この様なイベントを開いてくれた @mecavkotobuki と @elianafaickh どうもありがとう 新年早々素敵な場所を提供してくれた#blooklynnightbazaar の店長さま並びにスタッフのみなさま。共演してくれたパフォーマーのみなさま。そして、足を運んで下さった皆様。楽しいひと時を有難う The second installment at the beginning of the year will be at BLOOKLYN NIGHT BAZAAR in the Empire Building in Kyoto! I was able to stand on this stage once three years ago, so it's a long-awaited triumphant return performance! From nostalgic faces to new customers, everyone will have a good luck night! What a miracle early in the new year, such as a reunion for the first time in 17 years! As expected, Mecav and Eliana’s good luck burlesque! I was really happy that there were people who came to almost all the performances in this return to Japan. Thank you very much @mecavkotobuki and @elianafaickh for holding such an event in the midst of our hectic schedule The manager and staff of #blooklynnightbazaar who provided a wonderful place early in the new year. All the performers who performed with me. And everyone who came to see our show. Thank you for the fun time !
Switchy World