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10th Berlin Burlesque Festival 2022

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10th Berlin Burlesque Festival 2022

I am very happy to be able to perform at the milestone event!


10/15- Saturday Night : THE EVEN NIGHT/ @WINTERGARTEN , Tiergarten

Do not miss it

お次はドイツ 第10回ベルリンバーレスクフェスティバル2022に出演致します!


10/13 (木): THE GRAND OPENING/ @heimathafenneukoelln , NEUKÖLLN

10/15 (土): THE EVEN NIGHT/ @wintergartenberlin , Tiergarten


Posted @withrepost • @burlesque_empire 26 days to go until the 10th Berlin Burlesque Festival! On 13-16.10.22 the Heimathafen Neukölln and Wintergarten will once again shine in all colours and facets. Dive into the fabulous world of burlesque art!

Don't miss the legendary @uma_shadow he will captivate us on Thursday "the Grand Opening" & Saturday at "the Even Night"

バンドマンとのセッションはまじ久々!バレエ以来やな〜。 やっぱり全然違う。互いの呼吸を合わせて踊るのは一体感があって超絶気持ちいい! 明日はWintergarten!楽しみ!


It's been a long time since I had a session with musician! Ever since ballet.

It's completely different after all. Dancing with each other's breathing gives a sense of unity and it feels great!

Wintergarten tomorrow! fun!

Posted @withrepost • @hibarbal あまり人生において後悔はしない方なのだが、このイベントに行くことができず、生バンドでのUmAのシグニチュアナンバーが見れず、憧れのあの劇場に足を踏み入れることができなかった2022年秋、思い切り後悔したいと思います。

swipeこちらの傷を癒すために、大好きなアドベンチャーワールドのインスタライブを早朝から見て、コメントして、ちゃっかりパンダのマグカッププレゼントに応募してみました。ありがとう、最高の癒し (なにしとんねん)

まだまだベルリンバーレスクフェスでのUmAちゃんのパフォーマンスは終わらないよ。お次は今週末土曜日、Wintergarten で、久々あの演目をぶっ放すぜ!これも見たかったなあ

I don't have many regrets in my life. But in the fall of 2022, I wanna deeply regret that I couldn't go to this event, I couldn't see UmA's signature performance with a live band, and I couldn't set foot in that theater on my bucket list..

swipe In order to heal this wound, I watched the Instagram live of my favorite adventure world from early morning, commented, and I tried entering the lottery for a free Panda mug. Thank you @adventureworld_official , this is the best healing ever.

UmA's performance at the Berlin Burlesque Festival isn't over yet. Next Saturday, at Wintergarten, you will be able to see UmA's winning performance of BFs all over the world for the first time in a while. I wanted to see this too

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