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Writer's pictureSwitchy World

Las Vegas Burlesque Festival 2015 Competition Finalist!


Las Vegas Burlesque Festivalのコンペティションファイナリストに残る事が出来ました!







It is a nice additional notice!

I was able to stay to the competition finalist of Las Vegas Burlesque Festival! I participate on Thursday, October 9 for the 2nd day.

Las Vegas Burlesque Festival is the very severe competition that the vote of the visitor becomes the key.

Please come for support !!;)

Because this competition is mixture a veteran, a new face, man and woman. So it may be slightly severe.(already

Anyway, Everyone enjoy my performance !!

Pre-sale is until end of this month.

There is the ticket to be able to buy at maximum half price.

Good seat will be sold out immediately, Please demand the good seat early by all means.

It is a good news for who come from far away.

The hotel of the holding this competition is deep-discount during this period!

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